maruti suzuki innovation

Maruti Suzuki Mobility Challenge Application Form

Verify Resend Change Mobile No.

Is your company Incorporated?*

Select a choice.

Logo Of The Startup*

Please upload your pitch deck in .zip, .png, .jpeg, PDF*(Max file size : 5 MB)

Upload Pitch Deck *

Please upload your pitch deck in .zip, PDF*(Max file size : 10 MB)

Primary Contact Person Name


Do you have inhouse technical team?*

Select a choice.

Have you raised any funding?*

Select a choice.

Do you have any IP or Patents?

Select the area of alignment with the challenge*

Select at least one option or specify Other.

I have read and understood the data provider consent policy listed on this website

I accept privacy policy and terms of use of this website

I am submitting the above information as per my own volition and as per applicable data privacy laws